This week we are working with the energies of vulnerability, Big Picture, gratitude, and appreciation, and the crowning thought is choosing again.
Our overall energy for this week is purity or choosing again. Spirit invites us to let go of the past and remember that we always have a choice: either to repeat the past by replaying it again and again or to choose to see things from a new viewpoint. This does not mean we paint the world with rainbows and butterflies but instead invite our higher power into our minds for a new perspective.
This brings us to our supporting energy of the week which is the Big picture this energy invites us to take a step back from our subjective view and come to a broader objective viewpoint, when we do this practice we often will see solutions and patterns playing out we would have never seen before. When we look through the subjective judgemental view of the ego we have a minimal view of a situation but when we let go of the judgments we see things more clearly.
This then allows us to be in a state of vulnerability not in the way of danger but in the way of being more open to other possibilities Vulnerability does not mean we are weak or cowering instead it means we are open-hearted and allowing ourselves to notice when we are feeling off and address that not with fear but with gentle curiosity and the ability to shift that.
We can shift that simply by acknowledging the mention and having appreciation that we have this wonderful instant guidance system that lets us know when we are out of alignment with the law of one the law of love. Gratuite and Appreciation are two powerful tools t help you shift from subjective victim to empowered co-creator